Recent Blog Posts
How Credit Card and Other Payment Processing Work
More and more, customers prefer to pay with credit cards or debit cards. Whether you run an online store or a physical store, you’ll have to take payment cards just to survive. But what happens after a customer pays with a card or from their bank account? How does payment ...
How Payment Processors Charge Merchants
Let’s talk about what business folks hate: the cost of doing business. For many businesses, one of the biggest costs of doing business is the cost of taking payment cards. You’re pretty much forced to let customers pay with a card, but each payment costs you money to process. You ...
The Future of Payment Processing: BNPL and Cryptocurrency
Credit cards, as we know them today, started in the late 1950’s. In the early 1970’s, the credit card companies computerized much of the workflow. Since then, the process of using a credit card to make purchases has remained more-or-less the same. But their world is changing. A group of ...
How to Run a Creator Busines: IP Basics
Creators. That’s the hot new term in marketing circles. Advertising through a creator is highly effective because each creator has a curated audience interested in one specific thing or another. But creators aren’t just people with a lot of followers on social media. Creators make copyrighted works. And they make ...
How to Run a Creator Business: Content Distribution Platforms
This is the second intro post in our series on How to Run a Creator Business. In our first intro, we defined who the creators are and explained some IP basics because all creators make IP. In this second intro, we’ll go into how creators can share their IP with ...
How to Run a Creator Business: Monetizing Your Content
Did you know that creators make most of their money through product endorsements and affiliate marketing? Some creators do OK with direct audience contributions too. So how do you set these up? And, when you negotiate a marketing deal with a brand or advertising agency, how do you set a ...
How to Set Up an Accounting System, for Small Businesses
Business accounting can be pretty intimidating to new business owners. While most people have heard of debits and credits, assets and liabilities, and profit and loss, what do these terms really mean in accounting? And how do you read accounting reports like the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow ...
How to Hire Your First Employee, for Very Small Businesses
Congrats! Your business is finally at a stage where you need to hire your first employee. For some of you, this is after a long period of working by yourself or with contractors. For others, you’ve set up the other aspects of your business, are ready for your grand opening, ...
Tax Guide for Small Businesses
Businesses, like people, have to pay taxes. But, unlike people, most businesses have to pay a lot more types of taxes. Keeping track of and paying these taxes on time can get pretty complicated, pretty fast. This is why we wrote this tax guide for small businesses. In this series ...
Starting and Running a Small Business: The First Full Circle
I started building this website in January of 2021. It took me several months to design the layout and write the first batch of articles on starting and running a small business. I took the site live in May. From then on, I published one new article a week. Each ...